‘White-red-white views’: March of people with disabilities in Minsk (photo report)

March of people with disabilities. Minsk, 15 October 2020. Photo: ТК / Белсат

Not a day goes by without a new creative idea: beautiful and open-hearted persons with special needs took to the streets of Belarusian capital on Thursday. What did the peaceful protesters take with them? Flowers, ingenuous smiles, symbols in white-red-white colours and incredible Belarusian courage.

About a hundred persons who also want their voices to be heard gathered at the Red Church and then marched along Independence Avenue to GUM department store. Among the marchers there were wheelchair users, including a man who had his foot amputated in the wake of the crackdown on the first wave of protests in August, 2020.

March of people with disabilities. Minsk, 15 October 2020. Photo: ТК / Belsat

The participants demanded the Belarusian authorities stop lying and persecuting dissidents. Unfortunately, the latter cannot do without detentions during even non-threat events: the police grabbed at least two people in Independence Square. One of them is Aleh Hrableuski, a lawyer at the Office for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Two months have passed since post-election protests broke out in the country; the major demands are Alyaksandr Lukashenka’s resignation, holding a free and fair election, releasing political prisoners, putting an end to police violence as well as state-run TV stations’ providing people with unbiased and reliable information.

March of people with disabilities. Minsk, 15 October 2020. Photo: ТК / Belsat
March of people with disabilities. Minsk, 15 October 2020. Photo: ТК / Belsat
March of people with disabilities. Minsk, 15 October 2020. Photo: ТК / Belsat
March of people with disabilities. Minsk, 15 October 2020. Photo: ТК / Belsat
March of people with disabilities. Minsk, 15 October 2020. Photo: ТК / Belsat

March of people with disabilities. Minsk, 15 October 2020. Photo: ТК / Belsat

March of people with disabilities. Minsk, 15 October 2020. Photo: ТК / Belsat
March of people with disabilities. Minsk, 15 October 2020. Photo: ТК / Belsat
March of people with disabilities. Minsk, 15 October 2020. Photo: ТК / Belsat
March of people with disabilities. Minsk, 15 October 2020. Photo: ТК / Belsat
March of people with disabilities. Minsk, 15 October 2020. Photo: ТК / Belsat
March of people with disabilities. Minsk, 15 October 2020. Photo: ТК / Belsat
March of people with disabilities. Minsk, 15 October 2020. Photo: ТК / Belsat
March of people with disabilities. Minsk, 15 October 2020. Photo: ТК / Belsat
March of people with disabilities. Minsk, 15 October 2020. Photo: ТК / Belsat
March of people with disabilities. Minsk, 15 October 2020. Photo: ТК / Belsat
March of people with disabilities. Minsk, 15 October 2020. Photo: ТК / Belsat
March of people with disabilities. Minsk, 15 October 2020. Photo: ТК / Belsat
March of people with disabilities. Minsk, 15 October 2020. Photo: ТК / Belsat
March of people with disabilities. Minsk, 15 October 2020. Photo: ТК / Belsat
March of people with disabilities. Minsk, 15 October 2020. Photo: ТК / Belsat

