Women’s March changes format

On October 3, in Minsk, for the first time after the presidential elections, the Women’s March was held in a new format. Participants of the rally were encouraged to go out in the center of Minsk, not to gather in large groups, but to walk for 2 hours between GUM and TSUM.

The change in the format of the Women’s March was a response to the use of force against its participants.

Flower march of women in Minsk. The rally differs from the previous Saturday marches in that its participants do not walk in a large group but stretch between TSUM and GUM in small groups.

Flower march of women in Minsk. The rally differs from the previous Saturday marches in that its participants do not walk in a large group but stretch between TSUM and GUM in small groups.October 3, 2020. Photo: belsat.eu
Flower march of women in Minsk. The rally differs from the previous Saturday marches in that its participants do not walk in a large group but stretch between TSUM and GUM in small groups.October 3, 2020. Photo: belsat.eu
Flower march of women in Minsk. The rally differs from the previous Saturday marches in that its participants do not walk in a large group but stretch between TSUM and GUM in small groups.October 3, 2020. Photo: belsat.eu
Flower march of women in Minsk. October 3, 2020. Photo: belsat.eu
Flower march of women in Minsk. October 3, 2020. Photo: belsat.eu

Since August 15, every Saturday in Minsk, Belarusians went to a Women’s March against police brutality and as a sign of solidarity with everyone who yearns for change in the country. while at first the police did not react in any way to the women’s actions, starting from the middle of September the participants of the actions began to be detained and punished with days of arrest.

Last Saturday, September 26, according to the Interior Ministry, 150 people were detained, including journalists.

