Workers go on strike all over Belarus

On August 13, a number of Telegram channels reported that workers, doctors and even employees of museums were on strike all over Belarus. Their goal is to have fair elections.

The strike began with BelAZ. There the workers came to the administration with a demand to announce fair election results.

A strike at BelAZ. Photo: Belsat.

A strike at BelAZ. Photo: Belsat.At another major enterprise, Minsk Automobile Plant, the workers also came out to show their dissent.

Keramin joined support rally.

Telegram channel My Country Belarus reports that employees of Minsk Integral plant have also gone on strike.

At the largest plant in Hrodna, Hrodna-Azot, the workers were outraged when the management began telling them lies about the elections. However, so far this is not a strike – the workers just expressed their indignation.

Another enterprise, HrodnaZhylStroi, also expresses its outrage. The head even went out to the protesters.

Another Hrodna enterprise, Belcard, stopped its operations.

The readers report that the workers of MAZ, MTZ, Maladzechnamebel have also taken to the street.

MTZ, photo: readers.
Maladzechnamebel. Photo: readers.

МMedics are on strike

The doctors also joined the strike.

Doctors of the National Cardiology Center are going to stop all routine operations in protest against violence and arrests of medics, Belsat correspondent has learnt.

Several workers were detained in the hospital, so colleagues called to stop non-urgent operations until the doctor is released. Several other colleagues have disappeared — they were detained right outside their homes. About 100 medics took part in the action. They were holding the posters “We are against violence”.

Picket near cardiology center. Photo:

Near the Minsk Philharmonic Hall employees sang the Powerful God anthem.

Employees of the National Art Museum went to a peaceful protest action.

Medics also went out in Salihorsk.

Medics of Minsk ambulance hospital decided to speak out against violence.


Actors of the Kupala Theater are also going on strike.


Employees of the Belarusian Railway also joined the national strike.

Here’s the conversation of Khimvalakno employees in Hrodna with the authorities and the answer to the question “who voted for Lukashenka”.

To be updated
