Yad Vashem sorry for historical falsifications at World Forum

Yad Vashem has apologized for the video shown at the World Holocaust Forum. The forum was held in January in Jerusalem. And the video showed the USSR as the only country that defeated the Nazi Germany, reports haaretz.com.

Yad Vashem admitted that the information voiced at the World Holocaust Forum “contained inaccuracies, and that a partial statement of facts created an unbalanced impression”. In particular, videos with inaccuracies and distortions were shown during the event.

The videos shown on the forum did not mention either the Soviet Union’s crimes in World War II or its responsibility for unleashing the war.

In its letter, Yad Vashem acknowledged that there was falsification of historical facts about World War II and the Holocaust for the political and diplomatic interests of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

It is noteworthy that the forum was headed by Vyacheslav Kantor, president of the European Jewish Congress, businessman, oligarch and billionaire, who is considered close to Vladimir Putin.
