Alyaksandr Burakou

Closing down news site or facing criminal case: Mahiliou journalists placed in dilemma The officers of the Main Department for Combatting Organised crime and…

Journalists detained in Mahiliou arrested for 20 days Trial of detainees near the Mahiliou Regional Court

Mahiliou: Two detained journos go on hunger strike Mahiliou-based journalists Alyaksandr Burakou and Uladzimir Laptsevich, who are currently being held in…

OSCE, RSF urge Belarus authorities to release four sentenced journalists The OSCE Media Freedom representative and Reporters Without Borders (RSF) have…

More people on trial for rallies in Mahiliou Journalists and social activists are on trial

Belarus: Activists tried in bulk, Belsat TV contributors detained In the run-up to Victory Day celebrations, the Belarusian police are detaining…