border guards

Bodies found on Belarusian border with Poland The bodies were found on the section of the Belarusian-Polish border

Migrants on borders of EU: How Lukashenka taking revenge for Western sanctions In pursuit of his political or economic interests, Alyaksandr Lukashenka has…

Yet again: Lithuania arrests large batch of smuggled Belarusian cigarettes worth €2.2 mln On August 15, a large consignment of Belarusian cigarettes was…

Two convicts in ’roundhouse case’ brutally detained while trying to escape to Ukraine They beat people lying down, "interrogated" them on camera with their…

Latvia orders state of emergency on border with Belarus to prevent migration crisis On Tuesday, the Latvian government imposed a state of emergency on…

Poland sends helicopter to patrol Belarusian-Lithuanian border Polish Border Guard Service helicopter PZL Kania begins patrolling the Lithuanian-Belarusian border

Lithuanian border guards detain smuggled Belarusian cigarettes worth almost 2 mln euros Cigarettes were transported in planks, the truck was driven by a…

Night in neutral zone. Reportage about migrants on Lithuanian-Belarusian border Since the beginning of 2021, over 2,000 migrants have been detained…

Ukraine says Lukashenka’s statement about arms supplies to Belarus false Head of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry said that the accusations of…

Ukrainian border guards deny Lukashenka’s statements about closed border and weapon supplies People are let through, there are fewer weapons

Lithuanian border guards detain 47 more people on border with Belarus Those detained in the last two days identified themselves as nationals of…

Alarming flow of illegal migrants through Belarus: Lithuanian border guards detain 58 persons for one day In the past 24 hours, three groups of illegal migrants…

Ukrainian forces on alert not far from Belarus-Ukraine border The heavy security regime has been rolled out for Ukrainian border serving…

Belarus leader counts on EU, Russia aid in strengthening common borders On Monday, Belarusian President Alyaksandr Lukashenka has approved the resolution on…

SBU accuses Belarus border guard of recruiting Ukrainian citizen Ukraine’s Security Service (SBU) is investigating a criminal case initiated against a…