civil society

No more hotline for domestic violence victims after raid on NGOs The public organization deals with domestic violence, discrimination in the labor market,…

‘Time to act’: Amnesty International urges world to respond to Lukashenka regime’s attack on human rights Civil society is being wiped out in the heart…

US may allocate $30 mln to support Belarus civil society, independent media, human rights defenders The United State House Committee on Appropriations has approved the…

120th day of protest: Decentralised Freedom March in Belarus On December 6, protest rallies named the March of Freedom are taking…

Seniors protesting in Minsk: ‘Grandmas and grandpas, let’s march to the victory!’ At 2 pm (local time), the March of Pensioners aka Wisdom…

Neighbours’ March: New-style protest rallies in Belarusian capital and regions On November 29, the March of Neighbours kicked off at 12.00…

March Against Fascism: Day 106 of Protests (LIVE) In response to repression, protesters changed tactics

Sunday’s protest against terror: Belarusians marching to Kurapaty (photos) Today’s protest march ‘Dzyady against Terror’ is dedicated to the Day…

Not only blood and battering: Positive moments of Heroes’ March On September 13, Minsk hosted the March of Heroes which became the…

March of Heroes in Minsk and regions (photos, video) On September 13, Heroes’ March is to start at 2 pm (local…

Roman Catholic Archbishop and Belarusian citizen Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz denied entry to country On Monday, Belarusian border guards have not allowed Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz,…

Women hold pickets against violence in Belarus On Wednesday, several hundred women stood in a chain, holding hands, near the…

Impromptu memory event at protester’s death site in Minsk On Tuesday morning, Minskers started to leave flowers near Pushkinskaya metro station…

‘May the walls collapse’. Polish Solidarity voices support for Belarusians ahead of election The people of Belarus are not and cannot remain alone…

Another Belarusian blogger accused of playing part in ‘public order violations’ Dzmitry Kazlou aka Grey Cat, a Youtuber from the town of…