
‘From own sources’: Coordination Council gets info on would-be amending Constitution Representatives of the opposition Coordination Council (CC) say that they have…

Lukashenka goes to prison for talks In the KGB pre-trial detention center Alyaksandr Lukashenka spoke with Babaryka, members of…

Minsk presents anti crisis plan to OSCE and Moscow It is proposed to do this before 2022, and then hold general re-elections.

Lukashenka eager to change Constitution of Belarus Lukashenka announced amendments to the Constitution of Belarus at the beginning of 2019

30 years since adopting Declaration of State Sovereignty On 27 July 1990, the Supreme Soviet passed the Declaration of State…

Why Putin amended Russia’s Constitution / ENG explainer The referendum ballot paper contained just two options: “For” or “Against”. Amendments…

Putin finds fault with Soviet republics’ right to leave USSR In an interview with state-run TV channel Rossiya 1, President Vladimir Putin…

Lukashenka promises new Constitution within two years He is convinced that a return to the 1994 Constitution is a…

Viktar Babaryka calls for collecting signatures to amend Constitution

‘If situation allows’. Russians to vote on constitutional amendments in April On March 17, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on…

Russian State Duma amends Criminal Code The violator can also be fined 1 million rubles.

No anti-Putin protests? Mass events suspended in Moscow amid coronavirus threat Referring to the threat of COVID-19 spread, Moscow authorities have imposed…

Putin wants new Constitution to have marriage as union of man and woman and mention God The second reading is scheduled for March 10.

Majority of Russians ready to back constitutional changes – pollster Yuri Levada Analytical Center has completed a survey commissioned by the Foundation…

Putin sends draft law on constitutional amendments to State Duma Earlier, a working group created to prepare amendments to the Constitution sent…