
Deepest economic crisis in history, expert says GDP could drop by 20%

Russia will default in April, Morgan Stanley predicts A default in Russia would be similar to the situation in Venezuela.

Researchers from Germany and Russia confirm that Belarusian authorities are behind migrant crisis Belsat also wrote about it earlier

Devaluation 2020: how much will Belarusian ruble depreciate? We work, we earn, but there is less and less money in…

Belarus president: My coronacrisis forecast holding up At Friday’s meeting with officials of Minsk region, President Alyaksandr Lukashenka stated…

Kremlin using disinfo to sow distrust and chaos amid COVID-19 pandemy – EEAS report This week, a number of influential media outlets, including Reuters and…

Merkel, Putin to talk about US, Iran, Ukraine in Moscow German Chancellor Angela Merkel will arrive in Russia on January, 11 on…