death penalty

Another death sentence might have been carried out in Belarus – human rights defenders Death row inmate Viktar Paulau was 'most likely executed', the convict’s sister…

Unbelievable: Lukashenka pardons two brothers sentenced to death – HRC Viasna Illya Kostseu (21) and Stanislau Kostseu (19), who were sentenced to death…

No mitigation: Belarusian Viktar Skrundzik still under death sentence On Friday, Minsk regional court held a visiting session in the town…

Belarus MPs to mull over abolishing death penalty The first package of amendments to the Belarusian criminal legislation has already been…

Hardly believable: Death sentence mitigated in Belarus On June 30, the Supreme Court of Belarus has upheld the appeal…

Krasnapolle resident faces death penalty for killing brother This is not the first murder committed by a resident of Krasnapolle.

Amnesty International about Belarus: Serious human rights concerns persist Amnesty International has prepared a briefing for the Universal Periodic Review…