EU sanctions

Arab investor to build multi-story complex in Minsk following Lukashenka’s decree It is allowed to build "man-houses" denser than in "Minsk-Mir"

Tsikhanouskaya’s advisor explains why EU is hesitant about sanctions against Lukashenka "The crisis is not resolved, but there is no escalation," some…

4th sanctions package against Lukashenka regime to be rolled out ‘in coming weeks’ – EU HR Borrell The European Union is pushing another set of sanctions against…

EU’s fourth sanctions package against Lukashenka regime put off – media The fourth package of EU sanctions against the regime of Alyaksandr…

Belarus Energy Ministry threatens to fine Siemens for failure to follow agreements Swedish Export Credit Agency (EKN) freezes deal with Belarus

Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya meets with President of Austria Austria can be a platform for negotiations with Lukashenka

Tsikhanouskaya: Sanctions imposed by EU not enough to put pressure on Lukashenka regime In an interview with The Sunday Times, Belarusian opposition leader Svyatlana…

Lukashenka says sanctions unfounded and must be resisted Lukashenka said so during his meeting with head of the National Bank…

IT company Synesis, which is now under EU sanctions, is connected with Lukashenka The journalists of Euroradio have conducted an extensive investigation, which exposes…

Accounts of ‘Belarus’ spa based in Lithuania under arrest over sanctions

EU approves new sanctions against Belarusian authorities Another 29 individuals and 7 legal entities fell under the restrictions.

EU ready to expand sanctions and hit pillars of Lukashenka’s regime, German Foreign Ministry says Lukashenka is urged to stop violence in Belarus.

Return move: Belarus Foreign Ministry set to blacklist EU officials In the wake of the EU’s imposing restriction measures on 40 top…

European Parliament recognizes Coordination Council as ‘temporary representative’ of Belarusian people On September 17, MEPs adopted a resolution on the situation…

‘It is Belarusians’ right to elect political reps’: MEPs consider Lukashenka persona non grata In a common statement, political leaders from EPP, S&D, Renew…