
Almost 16K Belarusians enter Georgia in three weeks More and more citizens of Belarus began to enter Georgia.

Mikhail Saakashvili detained in Georgia On October 1 Saakashvili announced that he returned to Georgia

Belarusians protest in Georgia against agreement between special services of two countries The Belarusians are supported by Georgian opposition politicians, who say that…

Georgia signs agreement with Belarusian KGB. Political migrants have reason to fret? The State Security Committee of Belarus (KGB) and the State Security…

Abkhazia’s leader resigns amid public protests On January 12, Raul Khajimba, the head of the unrecognized republic of Abkhazia,…

Sparkly Georgian indulges in Belarusian folk dance Givi Kbilashvili has been living in Minsk for nearly three years. He is…