
Lukashenka signs updated Education Code. What’s next? The new Code is wrong on many levels

Up to 2.5 years in jail: Minsk court imposes sentences on defendants in so called students case On July 16, Savetski district court of Minsk announced guilty…

Lukashenka replaces rectors in three universities amid ongoing student protests MSLU and BrSTU students went to protest against the change of…

Students all over Belarus take part in solidarity events At least three students were detained in Hrodna

Minsk: OMON entering university, brutally detaining linguistics students (videos) On Friday, riot policemen rushed into the building of Minsk State…

Belarus Education Minister comments on school year changes Whether there will be a new format of graduation parties will become…

New plan to combat COVID-19 approved in Minsk The Minsk City Executive Committee banned corporate parties and asked to wash the…

Universities adjust syllabus and move lectures online In order to prevent the spread of coronavirus, some universities cancel lectures.

COVID-19: Belarusian students seeking distance learning In spite of the coronavirus threat, teaching and learning activities continue at…

Newcomer’s impressions: ‘Belarus resembles Syria, but there’s no war.’ When the war in Syria broke out, Ammar Alshaar left his…