jail torture

Instead of getting medical aid: Poltical prisoner Yauhen Barouski put in disciplinary cell Although political prisoner Yauhen Barouski urgently needs medical assistance, he was…

Political prisoner Mikita Yemelyanau prosecuted for disobedience in prison Young man sentenced to 4 years in prison faces a new…

Russia closes case against Belarusian programmer who leaked prison torture videos He gave human rights activists a video archive of torture in…

Minsk detention centre: Women’s cell in which journo Iryna Slaunikava is held stages hunger strike A number of female prisoners who were placed under arrest…

Belarusian IT specialist who helped uncover torture in Russian prisons put on wanted list Syarhei Saveliyeu asked for political asylum in France.

Imprisoned minor Mikita Zalatarou spends 13 days in punitive confinement On Sunday, Mikita Zalatarou, a 17-year-old political prisoner and a patient…

Criminal charge brought against opposition politician Mikalai Kazlou

Journalist Dzyanis Ivashyn gets heart attack behind bars Imprisoned journalist Dzyanis Ivashyn who was placed in a disciplinary cell underwent…

Prisoner Anishchuk swallowed metal objects to stop torture in colony, his lawyer reports He was forced to write refusals to meet with a lawyer…

Political prisoner Natallia Hersche placed in punishment cell Belarusian political prisoner Natallia Hershe, who is also a Swiss citizen, was…

‘He might have been beaten there’. Zmitser Furmanau put in isolation cell, meeting with family cancelled The parents of political prisoner Zmitser Furmanau (he has been…

Hrodna resident sentenced for texting threat to policeman Those who got to Akrestsina jail in August claimed that police officer…