
Belaruskali takes loans to pay salaries and suspends mining operations The reason is the EU and U.S. sanctions

Lithuania limits euro cash brought to Belarus Violation of this decree entails administrative responsibility.

Lukashenka allows repaying debts to ‘unfriendly’ countries in Belarusian rubles Belarus has allowed a technical default

Belarus GDP growth loses steam

Russian ruble in free fall, some Belarusian banks no longer accept it 100 Russian rubles are now 1 BYN

Revolut service stops money transfers to Russia and Belarus

Dollar exchange rate exceeds 3 BYN in Belarus The trading began with a sharp increase in the rate of Western currencies.

Belarusian banks impose card limits "Dabrabyt" introduced a limit on the card money withdrawal

Belarus authorities seek to introduce new personal income tax The bill has already been approved in two readings

EDB expects inflation to rise in Belarus An increase in the refinancing rate is also possible

Lukashenka promises to cut athletes’ salaries Belarus recently lost to the Czech Republic in football

Tsimanouskaya’s medal from European Games sold for $21K She won silver.

Belarus looking for funds to repair roads But who can provide it?

Belarusians eager to buy foreign currency Overall, more than $2.2 billion

Up to $3.5 bn: Kremlin might grant new loan to Belarus – Russian media Alyaksandr Lukashenka and Vladimir Putin are close to agreeing on a new…