
Former Naftan legal advisor detained in Russia and handed over to Belarusian KGB No one has explained the reasons for the detention

Navapolatsk: KGB raids Naftan independent trade union office, activist’s flat On Tuesday morning, KGB officers started searching the Navapolatsk apartment of…

Naftan trade union leader detained in Navapolatsk He was put in the TDP for a sticker

Naftan to remain without Russian oil Delivery to Naftan is not planned.

Reuters: Russian oil companies may suspend oil supplies to Belarusian refineries The U.S. sanctions have been renewed due to the systematic violations…

Naftan strike leader Brytsikava fired Volha has worked at the enterprise for 16 years.

First tanker with Russian oil for Belarus arrives in Klaipeda The shipment of cargo by railway to Navapolatsk to Naftan is expected…

First batch of Norwegian oil reaches Belarus The first batch of Norwegian oil arrived at Belarus' Naftan oil refinery in…