National Bank

No foreign cash for Russia and Belarus, Ukraine pleads

National Bank of Belarus and Central Bank of Russia agree to deepen integration They formed a working group

Latushka says National Bank lying about inflation and forex reserves Some things are understated and some things are exaggerated.

Belarusian Central Bank can impose currency restrictions Such a possibility is introduced by a new decree of Lukashenka.

Belarusians eager to buy foreign currency Overall, more than $2.2 billion

Belarus, Russia discussing single currency roadmap, People’s Anti-Crisis Administration says Belarus and Russia have resumed discussing the single currency roadmap,…

Belarusians withdraw from banks almost $1.5 billion Belarusians began to actively withdraw money from bank accounts in April

Private banks advised to avoid advertising in non-state media The recommendation was voiced at one of the last meetings of the…

Lukashenka says all masks are off and it’s time to think of economy He also promised to sort out private companies

‘Forcible takeover’. Authorities get bank linked to Lukashenka’s rival under control Nadzeya Yermakova, a former chairperson of the National Bank of Belarus,…

National Bank explains inflation acceleration in Belarus In March, the annual growth of consumer prices accelerated and amounted to…

Belarus forex reserves down more than $1.5 bln But they're not gonna fall that hard anymore.

Belarus requested $900 million from IMF These are the means to deal with the consequences of the global crisis.

National Bank urges banks to provide Belarusians with repayment holidays due to coronavirus Regulator sent the respective letter to the banks.

Belarusian ruble in free fall On March 18, after the trading on the Belarusian Currency and Stock Exchange, the…