oil war

First tanker with Russian oil for Belarus arrives in Klaipeda The shipment of cargo by railway to Navapolatsk to Naftan is expected…

Belarus buys two tankers of Russian oil at undisclosed price Belneftekhim bought this oil without a premium.

Putin offers compensation for oil maneuver – Lukashenka On February 21, Belarusian President Alyaksandr Lukashenka was on a call with…

Belarus increases tariffs for oil transportation via Druzhba The Ministry of Antimonopoly Regulation and Trade has approved new prices for…

Lukashenka spoke about replacement for Russian oil Lukashenka said that Belarus would continue to diversify oil purchases.

Mike Pompeo: U.S. ready to cover 100% of Belarus’ oil needs American producers are ready to cover 100% of Belarus' oil needs at…

Tanker with Norwegian oil for Belarus unloading in Klaipeda port The ship Breiviken has arrived in Klaipeda port and delivered 80 thousand…

Transneft plans to deliver 23.5 million tons of oil to Belarus The Russian company Transneft plans to increase oil exports to Belarus in…

Lukashenka speaks about independence and oil prices On December 9, at the ceremony of awarding the prize "For Spiritual…