
120th day of protest: Decentralised Freedom March in Belarus On December 6, protest rallies named the March of Freedom are taking…

Neighbours’ March: New-style protest rallies in Belarusian capital and regions On November 29, the March of Neighbours kicked off at 12.00…

March Against Fascism: Day 106 of Protests (LIVE) In response to repression, protesters changed tactics

Teachers protest in face of Lukashenka’s order to ‘deal with’ dissenters in schools On the back of Alyaksandr Lukashenka's recent statement about dissent among…

Watch election night on Belsat even without Internet access We will start an unprecedented 18-hour live broadcast.

Orthodox Easter on Belsat TV: Church service live On the night of April 19, Belsat TV will air a festive service…

Belsat goes live: Easter Sunday Mass from Gate of Dawn On April 12, Belsat viewers will have an opportunity to watch online…