pressure on mass media

New criminal case opened against TUT.BY Media employees They have been accused of inciting hostility, the Investigative Committee reports. If…

Author of Komsomolskaya Pravda in Belarus not released after spending 3 days behind bars Henadz Mazheika, a journalist of the newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda in Belarus,…

News website of Komsomolskaya Pravda in Belarus blocked

Criminal case opened against Brest news editor for ‘insulting official’ Andrey Kukharchyk, the editor-in-chief of the Virtual Brest website, has been…

Official charge brought against arrested executives of non-state news agency BelaPAN BelaPAN director Iryna Leushyna and former director Dzmitry Navazhylau have been…

Sports journalist Andrey Maslouski detained On September 6, Belarusian security officers raided the apartment of former Tribuna correspondent…

BelaPAN executives transferred to detention center From the TDF in Akrestsina to the pre-trial detention center in Valadarski street

Minsk: Police searching homes of BelaPAN journos, several employees detained On Wednesday morning, Belarusian security forces made unexpected visits to a…

Investigative journo Ihar Ilyash not released after spending 72 hours in custody The term of detention of investigative journalist and Belsat TV contributor…

Authorities release several journos, activists detained in recent ‘operation’. Nasha Niva employees still in jail On July 11, detained Belsat TV journalist Zmitser Lupach…

Journalists leaving Belarus amid crackdown on independent media Two more prominent journalists have left the country

Minsk: Journo Hlafira Zhuk expelled from university after serving 30-day jail term According to one of Telegram channels administered by students, Hlafira Zhuk,…