State Control Committee

Minsk: Financial police raid Office for Rights of Persons with Disabilities On January 21, law enforcers made an unexpected visit to the…

Member of Coordinating Council Presidium Liliya Ulasava in jail Her detention was extended by 10 days

Routine or playing safe? Lukashenka reshuffles siloviki Бывший председатель КГБ Валерий Вакульчик и директор Службы национальной безопасности Армении Георгий…

Minsk office of the PandaDoc IT-company searched Mikita Mikada's company office in Minsk was visited by financial control agency employees

Account of Russia’s Deputy Minister’s wife arrested in Belgazprambank Babaryka was also found guilty of this.

Belarus authorities suspect Lukashenka’s electoral competitor of ‘illegal activities’ The Financial Investigations Department (part of the State Control Committee)…

Tax evasion charge: Bank linked to Lukashenka’s would-be rival in crosshairs On Thursday morning, officers of the Financial Investigations Department (part of…