Intimidation instead of law: How Belarusian authorities criminalize access to truth The Ministry of Internal Affairs recognized groups of citizens united by…

National Unity Day celebrated in Belarus for first time on September 17 There is still much controversy about this date

Ukrainian Insurgent Army: Heroes or evil-doers? In October 1942 in German-occupied Lviv, the Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), supporters…

Why Putin amended Russia’s Constitution / ENG explainer The referendum ballot paper contained just two options: “For” or “Against”. Amendments…

Putin finds fault with Soviet republics’ right to leave USSR In an interview with state-run TV channel Rossiya 1, President Vladimir Putin…

Russian World adherer makes bid for Belarusian presidency Another would-be rival of Alyaksandr Lukashenka has come into the spotlight.

Сonflicts in Central Asia: Who is to blame / ENG video In Central Asia, ethnic violence erupts regularly. Why do such clashes occur?…

Vilnius: Bonfires in memory of defenders of freedom (photos) On January 12, Lithuanians commemorated the tragic events of 1991 by lighting…