Victory Day

Minsk: Authorities invite the recovered from COVID-19 to Victory parade? In Minsk, the Kastrychnitski district administration is allegedly encouraging those who…

Lukashenka: Thousands are eager to attend 2020 Victory parade in Minsk Not a single Belarusian will be compelled to show up at the…

Russian, Chinese troops not to take part in Victory Day parade in Minsk Despite the pandemic, Belarus is set to stage a Victory Day…

Tanks and fireworks: Belarus gearing up for Victory Parade amid pandemic Despite recommendations of the World Health Organisation, the Belarusian authorities plan…

Brest officials consider banning rallies on Victory Day But no one is going to cancel the festive fireworks in Brest…

Lukashenka on Victory Day celebrations and his personal virus "Victory Day, Independence Day is like family holidays."