war with ukraine

Putin, a long-time unseen guest of Kim Both dictators possess a similar worldview and a shared desire to dismantle the…

Zelensky’s peace and Putin’s ultimatum

Michał Kacewicz

Is behaving like an ostrich with its head buried in the sand secure?

Maria Przełomiec

Putin sends the economist to join the army and the Chekist to retire

Michał Kacewicz

How will Iran’s attack on Israel affect Ukraine and Russia? There are several different options for possible scenarios

Michał Kacewicz

The Holy War of Patriarch Kirill

Maria Przełomiec

The road to Munich

Maria Przełomiec

The sum of all Dima’s and Vova’s anxieties

Michał Kacewicz

Is Russia no longer the main threat to the West?

Maria Przełomiec

I am afraid of the Greeks

Maria Przełomiec

If you want peace, prepare for war

Maria Przełomiec

The year 2023 presented multiple challenges for Ukraine. The upcoming year may bring no improvements

Piotr Pogorzelski

Putin in Wonderland Every third Russian believes in prophecies of the future, and every fourth in witchcraft.

Putin’s Kulturkampf. Art in the service of Russian imperialism

Michał Kacewicz

The Circus stars of Russian elections

Maria Przełomiec