Second World War

Ostarbeiter Women The protagonists of the film are "Ostarbeiter women", women deported from occupied Belarus to…

Belarus Prosecutor General’s Office set to be after ‘still living Nazi criminals’ in Poland, Lithuania Belarusian investigators got information about hundreds of previously unknown places…

World War II veterans in photo project

Prosecutor General’s Office opens criminal case over ‘genocide of the Belarusian population’ during the war Andrei Shved opened a criminal case for the genocide of…

Ukrainian Insurgent Army: Heroes or evil-doers? In October 1942 in German-occupied Lviv, the Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), supporters…

Even abroad: Russia introduces penal sanctions for destroyng WWII monuments From now on, one may face more severe punishment - up…

Stalin Line hosts WW2 battle reenactment 76th anniversary reenactment of the battle for Rahachou and Zhlobin took place at…

The Repressed Architecture One can learn about different epochs - pre-revolutionary, Soviet, and even up-to-date - just…

Yakut family flies to Belarus to visit ‘Stalin Line’ The Androsovs family flies to Belarus from the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)…