To Go and Not Come back… Summary…

dir. "Belsat", 2021

Who could imagine how the Belarusian authorities would react to people who were dissatisfied with the regime? Today everyone who does not agree with Lukashenka’s policy is put behind bars. The representatives of law enforcement were given permission to brutally handle people. There are already missing persons. In the first three parts of the documentary, we tried to familiarize the viewers with the victims, now we want to show the results of the investigations. Who will be responsible for the killings, how were investigations and court hearings conducted?

Alaxandr Taraykoŭski – the actions of the security forces were deemed lawful. A criminal case was denied. Relatives were not allowed to see the results of the investigation.

Kanstantsin Shyshmakoŭ – according to investigators, he committed suicide. A criminal case was denied. Kanstantsin’s mother was diagnosed with exogenous depression caused by her son’s death. She was treated in a psychiatric clinic.

Alaxandr Vikhor – the cause of death was found to be a sudden attack of the disease. A criminal case was denied.

Henadz Shutaŭ – posthumously found guilty of resisting the arrest. A criminal case was denied for Shutaŭ’s death. His friend Alaxandr Kardzyukoŭ, who was with him at the time of his death, was also found guilty of resisting. He was sentenced to 10 years in a maximum security prison. The real murderers of Henadz Shutaŭ appeared in court as victims.

This is what justice looks like in Belarus today. This is how the law in the country works today. Nobody is protected against anything.

Documentary, 2021, Belarus

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