Alyaksandr Vikhor

To Go and Not Come back… Summary… Who could imagine how the Belarusian authorities would react to people who were…

Alyaksandr Vikhor died after being beaten by OMON year ago. Perpetrators still not punished On 9 August 2020, 25-year-old Alyaksandr Vikhor was detained by…

At least 15: Deaths linked to post-election protests in Belarus There are at least 15 names on this sad list.

To Go and Not Come back… Episode 2 Alaxandr Vikhor (Sasha) did not vote in the presidential election and did not…

40 days pass since death of Raman Bandarenka. Criminal case still not opened Minsk resident Raman Bandarenka passed away on November, 12 at the…

Raped with truncheons, beaten and insulted: peaceful protesters suffered for their views Human rights activists believe the repression against protesters were planned.

Homiel says goodbye to Alyaksandr Vikhor who died due to police brutality He was the second victim of police brutality.