Minsk: Political analyst Valeryia Kastsyuhova detained, her home raided

On Wednesday evening, security officers made an unexpected visit to Valeryia Kastsyuhova’s flat in Minsk, political scientist Pavel Usau said with reference to his own sources.

The woman is a well-known political commentator and editor of nmnby.eu, the website of the Belarusian expert community. Usau believes that the Belarusian authorities started bearing down on independent experts and analysts, and the persecution of Valeryia Kastsyuhova is part of it.

“After the crackdown on the space of freedom of speech in the country, they began to mop up the space of production of ideas and thoughts,” Pavel Usau wrote on his Telegram.

According to him, the search of Kastsyuhova’s place was conducted by KGB officers. The woman was detained; now she may be held in the Investigation Committee or the KGB. The reason for her detention has not been reported yet.

On June 28, Tatsyana Kuzina, a reputed Belarusian expert in the field of good governance, was detained when going through a passport check-point at Minsk Airport. She was taken to the notorious detention centre on Akrestsin Street in Minsk.

Expert Tatsyana Kuzina detained at Minsk airport, taken into custody

