
Ukraine detains Belarusian spy who passed info to Russians The spy was helping Russian invaders

Police arrest 800 people on referendum day All over Belarus, 800 people were arrested

Minsk police detain bloggers having thousands of followers

Journalist Mikhail Karnevich detained in Hrodna As of today, there are 33 journalists behind bars.

Human rights activist Ales Kaputski rearrested. He may spend 45 days behind bars Maladzechna-based human rights defender Ales Kaputski has been sentenced to 15…

Elderly activist Alena Hnauk faces pressure behind bars

Political prisoner Mark Vasilkou sentenced to restriction of liberty Zhlobin district court passed a guilty verdict in the case of political…

Son of businessman detained on his way to father’s funeral He is now in Minsk jail

Human rights defenders report detention of activists in Minsk, Barysau Civic activist Antos Zhylko was detained by police on January 12 in…

Belarus authorities start detaining people for comments praising protesters in Kazakhstan

EPAM business analyst, father of four becomes suspect in ‘protest’ criminal case Dzyanis Nasura, a Minsk resident and leading business analyst at IT…

RFE/RL contributor Andrey Kuznechyk not released after spending 20 days in jail Andrey Kuznechyk, a freelance journalist and a Minsk-based contributor of Radio…

RFE/RL contributor Andrey Kuznechyk not released after 10-day jail term Andrey Kuznechyk, a freelance journalist and a Minsk-based contributor of RFE/RL,…

Cultural activist Pavel Belavus sentenced to 15 days in jail He allegedly urged police officers to participate in unsanctioned rallies

Minsk activist Volha Harbunova goes on hunger strike in Akrestsin detention centre The reputed Belarusian activist Volha Harbunova has been hungerstriking since her…