Son of businessman detained on his way to father’s funeral

Ilya Vaytsekhovich, the youngest son of the Belarusian businessman Eduard Vaytsekhovich, who had died a few days earlier, was going from Riga to his father’s funeral and was arrested.

He was detained at the border, reports

Ilya Vaitsekhovich. Photo:

It is reported that Ilya tried to enter Belarus on January 14. He was not released by the Belarusian border guards for a long time, and then employees of GUBOPIC came from Minsk and took him to the detention center in Akrestsin.

“Yesterday, Ilya was going to his father’s funeral from Riga. They didn’t let him in at the border for a long time, and three hours later he was detained for the propaganda of anti-state activities. Now he is in Akrestsin jail,” reports, citing the man’s acquaintances.

Businessman Eduard Vaitsekhovich died on January 12 at the age of 61. In 1995, Vaitsekhovich was a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the 13th convocation and even then opposed Lukashenka, after which the pressure on his business began. In his native village in the Myadzel district, Eduard organized a festival, and also created the Center for the Development of Rural Entrepreneurship.

After the events of August 2020, the store owned by Vaitsekhovich went on strike for a while, and he himself spoke out against violence.
