Human rights activist Ales Kaputski rearrested. He may spend 45 days behind bars

Maladzechna-based human rights defender Ales Kaputski has been sentenced to 15 days in jail for the third time in a row, HRC Viasna reports.

Аles Kaputski. Photo:

Ales Kaputski was detained on December 17 in the town of Maladzechna (Minsk region). He was charged under Part 2 of Article 19.11 of the Code of Administrative Offences (‘distribution of extremist materials’), and then arrested for 15 days.

Ales was expected to be released on January 1, but a new protocol was drawn upon him. On December 31, the human rights activist was tried and sentenced to another 15 days in jail.

On January 16, Ales was supposed to be freed, but yet again, he did not go at liberty. Today it has become known that he got another 15-day term, i.e. he may spend the total of 45 days behind bars.

Political convictions in Belarus in 2021

Earlier this year, the websites of Belsat,, Tribuna,, Deutsche Welle, Novy Chas, Current Time and others were recognised as ‘extremist’. It should be noted that the words ‘extremism’ and ‘destructive activity’ are now used by the Lukashenka regime to condemn any manifestation of dissent and protest moods.

Thus, anyone who shares news of the ‘extremist’ portals or even a photo with their logo in social networks or even private messages may be punished. Moreover, the Belarusian security officers interpret the law so that they also punish for posts and messages made before the recognition of materials as ‘extremist’. Under Article 19.11, a fine from 290 to 870 rubles may be imposed on the defendant, as well as administrative arrest and confiscation of equipment which is recognised as ‘means for committing a crime’.

Belarusian authorities put Belsat on country’s list of extremist materials
