Cultural activist Pavel Belavus sentenced to 15 days in jail

On November 19, a Minsk court heard the administrative case of Pavel Belavus, founder of and Art-Syadziba. He was charged under Article 24.23 part. 1 (“Violation of the order of holding mass events”).

According to the case materials, Pavel allegedly urged police officers in the station to participate in unsanctioned actions. He was taken there after his case was sent for revision, reports telegraph channel “By_culture.”

Pavel Belavus. Photo: by_culture / Telegram

The case was considered by judge Yuliya Shoot, who found Pavel Belavus guilty and sentenced him to 15 days of arrest.

Pavel was detained on Monday, November 15, when he went to the police department on summons. According to human rights activists, he was detained for having sent by post the book “Belarusian National Idea” by Dzmitry Lukashuk, which the authorities recognized extremist.

Belavus was charged under two articles of the Administrative Code: 19.11 part 1 (“Dissemination of information products containing calls for extremist activities or promoting such activities”) and 19.12 (“Illegal distribution of methods or other materials on how to manufacture explosive devices and explosives”).

However, on November 18, the court sent Pavel’s administrative case to the police department for revision. From there, he was sent back to the detention center, and a new trial was scheduled for the next day.
