Elderly activist Alena Hnauk faces pressure behind bars

Last week, 64-year-old pensioner Alena Hnauk got 15 days of administrative arrest for allegedly violating the regime of serving her sentence. On January 11, she was placed in the pre-trial detention centre in the town of Pruzhany (Brest region).

Аlena Hnauk. Photo: belsat.eu

This ‘violation’ was Hnauk’s placing white-red-white bags on her fence – the police local police listed it as ‘picketing’. In addition, a hefty fine (appr. $600) was imposed on the woman. According to our information, pressure is being exerted on Alena Hnauk behind bars.

“At the order of the head of Pruzhany police department, she is banned from receiving food parcels, writing and reading. We believe that they are trying to bring her down in such a way,” Alena’s relatives told Belsat.

The elderly activist is expected to be released on January 25.

Brest: Elderly activist gets three years of restriction of liberty, faces new administrative charge

In the spring of 2021, Alena Hnauk was tried in the so called round dance case for ‘organisation and preparation of actions that grossly violate public order’ (Article 342 of the Criminal Code). Then, she got two years of restriction of liberty without being sent to a correctional facility. The trial was conducted by judge Ina Klyshpach.

Moreover, in early September, judge Zmitser Kurouski sentenced the activist another two years of restriction of liberty without being sent to a correctinal facility for ‘insulting the president’ (Article 368 of the Criminal Code). Given that she was serving the first term at the moment of delivering the sentence above, Alena Hnauk’s liberty is bound to be restricted for the total of three years.

Notably, a few weeks later, a her place was searched as part of a case regarding threats against Mikhail Bulyhin, a senior prosecutor at Brest City Prosecutor’s Office, who presented the state in September’s trial of Hnauk. The case was initiated over publishing the prosecutor’s personal data on one of the ‘protest’ Telegram channels; at the moment, Alena has a status of witness. In the course of the search, an old laptop, a pendrive and a mobile phone were confiscated.

Better than under Rákosi, worse than under Jaruzelski: What can repressions in Belarus be compared to?

