white-red-white flag

Elderly activist Alena Hnauk faces pressure behind bars

Minsker sentenced to two years of restriction of liberty for dancing with white-red-white flag near Eternal Flame On October 25, Partyzanski district court of Minsk passed…

Dzyatlava: Man detained in forest gets 30-day jail term for ‘unauthorised picketing’ On Tuesday, Navahradak resident Viktar Matskevich stood trial in the court…

Siloviki push for recognising white-red-white flag, slogan ‘Long live Belarus’ as symbols of Nazi collaborators The Belarusian Interior Ministry has sent a draft document…

Zhdanovichy resident heavily fined for two stickers in elevator Yuliya Hrynevich, 54, was fined 1,160 rubles for stickers in the elevator

Colours of the Nation The white-red-white flag like never before has become a national symbol in the defence…

Case dropped: Hrodna court not to punish owner of toy dwarf with white-red-white flag The hearing of the case of ‘one-man picketing’ with the participation…

Court imposes 7-day jail term on Slonim resident, seizes car for ‘opposition colours’ A man driving a red car with two white stickers on…

MPs to review bill banning WRW flag It can be declared extremist

Authorities may declare white-red-white flag extremist on back of “unindifferent citizens’ appeal” The Belarusian Prosecutor General's Office is preparing necessary documents with…

Mahiliou resident fined for WRW flag on balcony He agreed that there was a flag and two stickers on his balcony.…

Mother of five gets hefty fine, spends three days in jail over showing white-red-white flag

Where Is My Flag? In the documentary “Where Is My Flag?” a story is told about the struggle…

Belarusians would not stop. Day 155 of protests January 10th is the 155th day of protests.

Mahiliou politician denied permission to stage ‘picket’ on own balcony On December 14, Uladzimir Shantsau, head of Mahiliou region branch of…