Lukashenka urges to put pressure on stores that do not sell Belarusian goods

Lukashenka held a meeting on April 1. Photo:

Meeting with First Deputy Prime Minister Mikalai Snapkou and the Minister for Antimonopoly Regulation and Trade Uladzimir Kaltovich on April 1, Alyaksandr Lukashenka stated the need for retaliation against the traders.

Lukashenka said that despite the obligations within the EAEU, “there are big questions to the authorities, which should control and take appropriate measures to protect the domestic market and our manufacturers,” reports.

According to him, this and other issues were raised by the Belarusian manufacturers earlier.

“Today we produce a huge range of consumer goods. But we do not see them in some of our so-called supermarkets and stores. It came to the point when some of them (law enforcement agencies are already dealing with this issue) simply refused to sell Belarusian goods,” said Lukashenka.

However, he regretted that it was not Minister Kaltovich who told him about it.

“This suggests that the instructions that I’ve given you, primarily to trade unions and deputies (the government is not excluded from this list, of course), are not quite performed. Things like that should not only be stopped, but scorched with hot iron,” said Lukashenka.

In February, Alyaksandr Lukashenka said at the All-Belarusian People’s Congress that he’d ordered the security forces to deal with one of the trading companies, which would not work anymore. Journalists believe it was about the “Green” chain of stores.
