Alyaksandr Lukashenka

Why did Belarusians not turn from peaceful protest to violence and murder? If there are three hundred "terrorists", where are the terrorist attacks?

U.S. government supports Belarusian freedom fighters, ambassador says We spoke with the US ambassador to Poland, Mark Brzezinski.

How Lukashenka distributes land between the members of his hockey team Alyaksandar Lukashenka has a tendency to criticise private developers for obtaining super…

As Lukashenka asks China for help, U.S. issues warning to Beijing There will be a meeting in Rome about it

Belarusian wood processing industry has been cut off from margin market Just over a week the belarusian wood industry has suffered twice.…

Lukashenka says he is afraid to attack Ukraine But he says they want to force him to do it

War in Ukraine: Day 4 Belarusians took to the streets.

Letter to Belarusian friends about shame

Agnieszka Romaszewska-Guzy

What consequences will Russian-Ukrainian war have for Belarus?

Only Putin needs referendum in Belarus, expert says Anatol Lyabedzka shares his views with Belsat

Tsikhanouskaya comments on Russia’s recognition of LNR and DNR Lukashenka is still silent

Lukashenka says he may recognize LNR and DNR But he expects to benefit from it.

Lukashenka wants to arm Emergency Situations staff This should help in case of war, he thinks

Lukashenka said he would rule to the last Lukashenka gave an interview to Russian propagandist Vladimir Solovyov

Lukashenka threatens West He threatened the West