Only Putin needs referendum in Belarus, expert says

Supporters of democratic changes are still arguing about participation or non-participation in the referendum. Time is running out, and there are more and more questions arising. Anatoly Lyabedzka has answered some of them in his new talk show “Plan B.”

Svyatlana Tsikhanovskaya‘s office urges Belarusians to boycott the referendum actively: come to the polling stations and put two crosses on the ballot, thus spoiling it, and then check in the “Holas” system to have proof that the official results are not valid. Some strongly criticize this option and urge not to go to the polls.

Anatoly Lyabedzka wittily responds to criticism about the strategy of voting in the so-called referendum:

“You and I are cool, we can skip the referendum. But what will the average citizen of Belarus who works at MAZ, BelAZ, or lives in a dormitory do? If you don’t go, you won’t work tomorrow. Therefore, they need this tip in the first place”.

Belarusians have gotten used to the fact that no matter how much they vote, everything was counted long ago. Anatoly Lyabedzka believes that nobody needs this referendum, not even Lukashenka:

“The only one who benefits from it is Vladimir Putin, whom Lukashenka, through the constitutional reform, allows deploying nuclear weapons on the territory of Belarus.
