Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya's office

Only Putin needs referendum in Belarus, expert says Anatol Lyabedzka shares his views with Belsat

Tsikhanouskaya’s office: Belarus is being dragged into someone else’s war and turned into aggressor country Tsikhanouskaya's office demands the immediate withdrawal of Russian troops.

Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya speaks against using Belarusian military abroad Tsikhanouskaya calls for peaceful solution of conflicts

Lithuania’s leader meets with Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya On January 12, Lithuania’s President Gitanas Nauseda met with Belarusian opposition leader…

Interpol will not search for Tsikhanouskaya Earlier, Tsikhanouskaya's's office and ByPol urged Interpol to stop cooperating with Lukashenka's regime