As Lukashenka asks China for help, U.S. issues warning to Beijing

According to the press service of Alyaksandr Lukashenka, he met with the Chinese Ambassador to Belarus Xie Xiaoyong on March 14.

Chinese ambassador at a meeting with Lukashenka. Photo: press service of Lukashenka

“In connection with the developments in our region, we need to briefly discuss this situation and outline additional ways of cooperation with the People’s Republic of China. At the same time, I would like to emphasize: I do not insist that China should bear any responsibility and lose anything in connection with the sanctions imposed on Russia and Belarus,” said Lukashenka.

“We have to build and find the model of relations and cooperation that would meet the two countries’ interests,” he said. “Some things need to be specified,” Lukashenka added and asked the ambassador, “to bring it to the leadership, the chairman of China, so that they were more fully informed about our position and our actions in this difficult time.”

The U.S. issued a warning

Meanwhile, a meeting will be held in Rome on March 14 between former Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi, who has been in charge of foreign policy at the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee since 2013, and Jake Sullivan, national security adviser to the U.S. president.

The Financial Times reported that Russia was asking China for military assistance the day before. The Chinese embassy in Washington said they were unaware of Russia’s request.

“This is our concern, and we have informed Beijing. That we will not stand with any country and will not allow Russia to compensate for its losses from economic sanctions.” BBC reports.

At the meeting in Rome, the sides are expected to discuss the situation in and around Ukraine.
