Russia will supply dozens of planes, helicopters and air defense systems to Belarus, Lukashenka says

Alyaksandr Lukashenka has announced large-scale deliveries of the most modern Russian weapons to Belarus.

“Shortly, (I signed an order the day before yesterday) the Russian Federation will supply us (I will not say what money and what) dozens of planes, dozens of helicopters, the most important air defense weapons. Maybe even C-400s. We need them badly; I’ve already talked about this,” BelTA quoted Alyaksandr Lukashenka.

He also spoke about the integration with Russia. The signing of integration programs can take place in October-November at the Supreme State Council of the Union State meeting.

“If we finally agree with the Russian president on the 9th, the government will meet on 10-11th, consider and adopt these programs. And then we’ll approve them at the Supreme State Council,” said Lukashenka.

Lukashenka promised that the loss of sovereignty is out of the question. “Today, we are so educated and smart that without losing the sovereignty of either Russia or Belarus, we can build such relations, which neither federal nor unitary states have,” he stressed.

