Interior Ministry dismisses Kalesnikava’s abduction case claim

The Interior Ministry has refused to institute criminal proceedings into the abduction of Maryia Kalesniava, writes Viktar Babaryka’s Telegram Channel.

It is reported that Kalesnikava filed a complaint back on September 10. She gave the names and positions of the people who had organized her kidnapping, threatened her and violently tried to take her out of Belarus. The Investigative Committee sent a document to the Interior Ministry, which dismissed the complaint.

“Attention. The decision to institute or not to institute criminal proceedings is made by the “Ministry”, whose deputy heads personally organized and committed these crimes.

On January 27th I received a refusal to open a criminal case. Am I surprised? Oh, no! There, in the office of [Internal Troops Commander Mikalai] Karpenkau, Messrs [Deputy Interior Minister Henadz] Kazakevich and Paulichenka (Kalesnikova was probably referring to former SOBR commander Dzmitry Paulichenka. – Belsat) told me in great detail what awaits me if I don’t leave the country: TDFs, prisons, humiliating searches, undermined health, oblivion. I will forget books (Harari, Hawking, ciao!), music too, because I will have my fingers broken, in a month everyone will forget about me. 25 years in the colony, where I will sew his (Kazakevich) uniform, which he will wear on special occasions. So, no, I’m not surprised.

I will continue to apply to the Prosecutor General’s Office, to the court, and you can start at least 10 more cases against me. It won’t save you any more. You did it – you know it, I know it, your ministers know it, the head of state knows it, your colleagues and accomplices know it, the witnesses (and there are many of them), your children know it, your wives, your parents, friends and relatives know it. You did it! – Kalesnikava appealed to the law enforcers.

Last year on September 7th Kalesnikava was detained by unknown people and tried to take her out of Belarus. It is alleged that a member of the Coordinating Council tore her passport on the Belarusian-Ukrainian border, and thus she was forced to return to Minsk.
