Interior Ministry

Nasha Niva declared ‘extremist formation’ The ‘group of citizens from among the private firm Surodzichy’ has been recognised…

Administrator of YT channel Third Region Belarus arrested, faulted for ‘inciting hatred’, ‘extremist content’ On January 10, the Belarusian authorities reported the detention…

Famous protester and meme character still in jail Pavel Batuyeu, an activist from Salihorsk, was also not released after his administrative…

Agnieszka Romaszewska-Guzy: Recognition of Belsat and its audience as ‘extremist formation’ is intimidation

Agnieszka Romaszewska-Guzy

Belarus authorities declare Belsat ‘extremist formation’ The citizens who are ‘united with the help of Belsat Internet resources’…

Belarusian MIA to create ‘list of extremists’ Dissenters may be deported or stripped of their citizenship.

‘Zeltsar case’ arrestees barred from receiving parcels with essentials, food from families Most of the arrestees in the so called Zeltsar case…

Senior police officer: Belarusians ‘serving interests of West from abroad’ should be deprived of citizenship On October 18, Vyachaslau Arlouski, the head of the…

Belarusian MIA launches operation ‘Arsenal’ The action is supposed to last several days

Interior Ministry special forces officially assist border guards Last year, the Interior Ministry's Special Forces took an active part in…

Experts confirm it was former Interior Minister Karayeu’s voice demanding ‘purge’ In the recordings, which ByPol posted in March 2021 and December…

‘Cyber partisans’ share results of their work More than 1 million minutes of audio recordings of the Interior Ministry were…

Authorities set to get full access to banking information of Belarusians – opposition The People's Anti-Crisis Administration (PACA) says they it received documents stating…

‘Cyber partisans’ claim hack of Interior Ministry’s drone video database The hackers continue what they call operation 'Heat' and "the largest…

Interior Ministry explains ‘anti-protest’ exercise in Minsk The exercise coincided with the day of adoption of the Declaration on…