Administrator of YT channel Third Region Belarus arrested, faulted for ‘inciting hatred’, ‘extremist content’

On January 10, the Belarusian authorities reported the detention of a 26-year-old resident of Homiel region.

Аleh Kanavalau.

According to the official version, the man was arrested by officers of the main Department for Combating Organised Crime and Corruption (notorious GUBAZiK/GUBOPiK) on suspicion of creating and administering a YouTube channel that distributed ‘extremist content’.

The press service of the Interior Ministry has released a video in which Aleh Kanavalau reveals the details of his detention. The young man took part in the protest movement, filmed and posted videos on his channel, security officials claim.

“It is also known that after fleeing to Ukraine, he continued to actively post anti-government information on one of the social media platform. He propagated the idea of offering armed resistance to government officials and law enforcers. He cynically commented on the death of KGB officer [Dzmitry Fedasyuk],” the statement by the Interior Ministry reads.

Aleh Kanavalau launched and ran the YouTube channel Third Region Belarus. Earlier, the man had to leave Belarus for Ukraine, but on New Year’s Eve he decided to visit his relatives in Belarus. However, there he was grabbed by GUBAZiK. A criminal case has been instituted against Kanavalau overinciting social hatred’.

Political convictions in Belarus in 2021
