‘Cyber partisans’ claim hack of Interior Ministry’s drone video database

The hackers continue what they call operation ‘Heat’ and “the largest cyberattack in the history of Belarus.”

Sample photo. Programmer at work. Photo: Marco Verch Professional Photographer / Flickr, CC BY 2.0

“Cyberpartisans” reported on their Telegram channel about the hack of the video database from the Ministry of Internal Affairs drones.

This is the fifth hack, which the “guerrillas” claim: previously they hacked databases of “Passport” system and the State Automobile Inspection (the veracity of hacks and relevance of databases were proved to journalists), databases of calls to the service “102” and a database of violations of law enforcement officers from the Internal Security Service of the Interior Ministry (it is impossible to verify the veracity of these hacks).

It is also impossible to verify whether the current hack is true, but the hackers have published videos from the drones previously not in the public domain.

belsat. eu
