
British basketball team refuses to play in Minsk The game was supposed to take place on February 25

Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya attends Munich Security Conference Her first meeting was with European Commissioner for Home Affairs

Latvian minister: ‘Everybody is looking at Afghanistan but what is happening in Belarus is hybrid attack on EU borders’ On September 2, Defence Ministers of the EU member…

Cyber partisans hack police recordings with brutal orders They keep hacking into MIA databases

KGB head admits hacking attacks on officials The information came from cyber partisans

‘Cyber partisans’ claim hack of Interior Ministry’s drone video database The hackers continue what they call operation 'Heat' and "the largest…

Belarus state journalists now eligible for bodyguards and appearance change Representatives of state-run media, who "act in the interests of the…

‘Enemies want to undermine us from within’. Lukashenka keeps feeding fears of war On March 11, Alyaksandr Lukashenka reshuffled a number of top officials…

Belarus down in international Safety Index Belarus has lost 98 positions in the safety rating.

Lukashenka: Russia will help Belarus provide security if necessary Russia will lend assistance if Belarus asks for providing security in the…

Lithuanian President tweets about BelNPP in Belarusian Lithuanian President Gitanas Nausėda has published a post in Belarusian on Twitter…

Angela Merkel leaves room for response to hacker attacks from Russia Germany has ‘hard evidence’ of Russian hackers’ implication in the cyberattack on…

State agencies of Belarus under hacker attack The attack was mainly aimed at government agencies, but it also targeted home…

Relatives of COVID-19 victims speak about ‘psychosis’ The government has not taken care to provide the healthcare workers with…

Latvia not against Belarus-NATO agreement – defense minister The relations between Latvia and Belarus is a good example of how…