Cyber partisans hack police recordings with brutal orders

Belarusian cyber partisans claim to have hacked into the Ministry of Internal Affairs’ classified servers, where the department’s internal communications are stored.

As evidence, they presented an audio recording of a conversation held on August 11, 2020, between Mikalai Maksimovich, deputy head of the public security police of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Minsk Region Executive Committee, and Alyaksandr Sharavarau, head of the Salihorsk Department of Internal Affairs.

“Detentions – I tell you right away, this is my order – must be f**king tough. If they looked at you in the wrong way, with the phone, beat the f**k everyone. That’s in the f**king city. Don’t be shy,” says a voice identified as Maksimovich.

The cyber partisans point out that the call was made on the internal line of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which was recorded. According to the hackers, “the recording gives a full understanding of what orders the leadership of the Interior Ministry pushed down from above: to cripple and kill their own people.”

As part of the operation ‘Heat,’ the hackers first hacked the ‘Passport’ system and the traffic police database. They proved to journalists the authenticity and relevance of the bases obtained.

Then the partisans reported hacking into the “102” call database, the database of violations of the Department of Internal Security of the Interior Ministry, the video database of the Interior Ministry drones, the video surveillance system of the detention center on Akrestina street, the system of speed cameras and the database of the Main Department of Internal Affairs Personnel.

There is no simple confirmation that these hacks are valid either. However, the head of the KGB acknowledged some hacking attacks on officials’ personal data on July 30 – at that time, the hackers had reported six hacks.

belsat. eu
