Relatives of COVID-19 victims speak about ‘psychosis’

The number of those infected with coronavirus infection in Belarus is increasing by several hundreds every day. Official statistics show that compared to European countries, Belarus has a rather small percentage of mortality from COVID-19, while the head of state calls the pandemic “psychosis”.

We have given those who have lost their loved ones – relatives of the victims -to comment on the situation.

Anastasia Kisyaliova is the daughter of Svyatlana Kisyaliova, the deceased medical worker from Vitsebsk.

Svyatlana worked as a nurse, so she treated everyone. When they were first readjusted, she came home and told her relatives: “I’m shocked, I don’t know what to do”. People, nurses walk around in disposable masks and put in a daily tampon wetted with propolis tincture. Is that protection from the virus in the 21st century? What is that? The government has not taken care to provide the healthcare workers with everything we need. Somehow, you know, firemen don’t get sent to put out fires in underwear. And we don’t have any gear at all.

Okay, well, I’m 27, and a child who’s seven will be raised without a mother for life. Thanks to who? Thanks to our esteemed Alyaksandr Lukashenka. Thank him so much for that!

Natallia Chepik is the daughter of Alyaksandra Chepik

Natallia Chepik, daughter of the late Alyaksandra Chepik. Photo:

She shouldn’t have died. She shouldn’t have. But the coronavirus was the face of death for her. I stood next to a man who came from Italy, from Milan, from the exhibition, and came to the company, and I stood next to him, twenty-thirty centimeters, and simply said hello — this could have been the reason that I became a carrier for my mother. And it was a real death for my mother, because she was at risk. She didn’t get out of this alive.

To hide and say that we don’t have a coronavirus, that people die from their diseases is hypocrisy. She was diagnosed with bronchial asthma in December. With her illness, she would still be alive for 15-20 years.

