State agencies of Belarus under hacker attack

The National Computer Emergency Response Team of Belarus (CERT.BY) has reported a hacker attack on government agencies of the country. The attck was managed by the command center, Interfax-Zapad reports.

It is reported that the attack was mainly aimed at government agencies, but it also targeted home computers. The attack was managed from the command center. The malicious software “was distributed with infected documents containing macros malware via phishing mailings”.

“At the moment, more than 400 computers in the national segment show signs of infection,” the Center said.

The malware belongs to the Pteranodon backdoor Trojan family. The distribution of phishing letters continues. The virus allows attackers to access confidential information and install additional harmful modules.

In late April, CERT.BY reported an increase in phishing letters exploiting the coronavirus pandemic COVID-19 in Belarus.

Tags: security
