‘Zeltsar case’ arrestees barred from receiving parcels with essentials, food from families

Most of the arrestees in the so called Zeltsar case are being held in Zhodzina prison Nr 8. Parcels containing food and essentials have not been handed over to them for more than 20 days, human rights centre Viasna reports.

According to the arrestees’ families, the Zhodzina prison authorities refuse to accept the parcels; as a result, the prisoners do not even have a spare underwear, to say nothing of warm clothes and hygienic products. They have not been given letters either; some are not allowed to meet with their defence lawyers. The official reason is quarantine due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The relatives were told that the restrictive measure would last until the end of this week.

Over 200 people have been taken into custody over online duscussing the tragic deaths of Minsk IT specialist Andrey Zeltsar and KGB officer Dzmitry Fedasyuk.

According to the Belarusian Investigative Committee, these people are defendants in criminal cases initiated under Article 130 (‘inciting to hatred’) and 369 (‘insulting a representative of authorities’) of the Criminal Code. The reason for their being persecuted were comments and videos which were notable for their unabashed cynicism’, the investigators said.

Andrey Zeltsar’s widow transferred to jail and tortured

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