Experts confirm it was former Interior Minister Karayeu’s voice demanding ‘purge’

In the recordings posted byPol in March 2021 and December 2020, Belarusians are called “fat commoners,” and law enforcement officers are ordered to “remove” those who threaten them or officials. According to the initiative, the audio recordings feature the voice of former Interior Minister Yury Karayeu.

Yury Karayeu. Photo:

In the second audio-recording, Yury Karayeu allegedly calls Syarhei Tsikhanouski a “scumbag” and regrets that he was imprisoned late: “There is no article for him – we have to invent one and put him in jail for a long time. Let him sit there! Let him die there!”

“Legal Initiative” ordered a phonoscopic expert evaluation of the audio recordings. An independent examination by GlavEkspert, the following work by specialist Ella Borgoyakova, found that the voice on the audio recordings is the same as in Karayeu’s original interview on television. It means this is really Yury Karayeu. There are no signs of editing on the audio recordings.

According to the results of the evaluation, “Legal Initiative” made conclusions confirming that the case of Syarhei Taikhanouskiy was prepared at the highest state level with the involvement of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and KGB and that the security forces were exhausted on August 9-13, 2020, so they took a break to regroup.

Since the beginning of the violent suppression of protests by security forces in Belarus, not a single criminal case has been filed against police officers and members of other security agencies for abuse of power, torture, and other criminal offenses.
